Thursday, December 25, 2008

Aaah, so veddy politically incorrect...

Merry Christmas, readers! And at the risk of sounding politically incorrect, a Happy (merry?) Kwanza, Happy Hannukah, and have a fabulous winter solstice! I am writing quite a lot this vacation already and hope to do mostly that today. It's time to crack the whip whilst I still do not have school. (I cannot describe how happy it makes me to type those words: I- do- not- have- school).

So for my Christmas (Kwanza, Hannukah, solstice) present to you, here is a link to a short movie that will probably make you laugh. And maybe even cry. Although, I doubt that. So direct yourselves to Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog. I can't think of a better way to spend this festive afternoon, you know, other than festivities.

Also on the docket is my deviantart. Which I certainly hope you will visit. That's where I derive my copyright so the AOHI (Adventures of Hanz and Ivan) parts will start going up as they are written. There is also a bunch of horrid poetry that I do not recommend you read, as I go at this post from a Lemony Snicket angle.

All the same, writing today, writing tomorrow, reading perhaps, with Audrey Hepburn and superhero movies to throw in between. A relaxing vacation it appears. But with me, who knows?

Happy Chranzakahstice,

Friday, December 19, 2008

For Ivan

So you've come to that bright welcoming red ribbon of an opening blog. Here. Have some gold scissors. Hack away. And with a statement like that, it's no wonder my mother doesn't let me play with my utensils.

A bit about myself to begin. My name is Hanz. I am female. Woah. What. Wait. No. I'm just going to keep talking and you are going to have to accept that as truth. I am a ninja at heart, if not in reference to coordination skills. Every so often I have private dance parties to relieve stress and can then return to a normal life style. I am 98 years old. Okay. You can raise an eyebrow at that one.

The reason for this blog is very simple. I have a dear friend named Ivan. And Ivan and I have many bold adventures, quests for price checks at the local grocery store, and deep introspective discussions about video game trailers. But, even more than video games, I love writing. And so it begins. This blog you see before you is my promise to Ivan that I will write an epic tale of our fabulous adventures. And every so often place updates here on this blog. Parts of the novel itself. Updates of the life of Hanz and the slow workings of a fiction based on nonfiction of the fiction that is our lives (did that make sense... like... at all?). And maybe I can even get Ivan to update on here every so often *do you seeeeee this faaace?*

So, interspersed with rants about my not so secret dislike for hugs and my super secret love of - well, then it wouldn't be a super secret. Behold the sarcasm! Behold the mania!

Ever so insincerely,
